At Mount Dora Boating Center & Marina we are dedicated to offering a hassle free boating experience. Our convenience services program is designed to ensure that every moment on the water is one of pure enjoyment and satisfaction.
Covers on wash – Spray/ boat soap & brush wash the exterior deck, hull and covers removing light soil, pollen and debris. This will not include any heavy scrubbing, mildew or stain removal. Covers should be secure and properly tented to minimize water, dirt and debris getting inside your boat. Estimated time 15 to 20 minutes.
Covers off/on – Covers are taken off and stored on your boat. If we took your covers off, we will put the covers back on unless you have already done so. Estimated time 10 to 15 minutes.
Bimini top up/ down – In conjunction with covers off/ on as some boats don’t allow the bimini top to be secured in place until the covers are off, we’ll lower the bimini before returning the boat to storage. Time estimate 5 to 10 minutes, cover configuration allowing, 15 to 25 minutes if covers need to be removed first.
Interior wipe down – Covers removed and stored on board, all-purpose cleaner with disinfectant used to wipe off seats, gunnels, and helm removing light dirt, pollen and debris. No heavy scrubbing, mildew removal, no compartments or ski lockers are cleaned as no running water is used. 15 to 25 minutes depending on amount of interior seating.
Fueling – Will be filled with fuel before your boat is launched or prior to it be returned to its slip. There is no charge for this service to our hy-dry storage customers. On-water storage may request this service. Time estimates to uncover, start, move boat to fuel dock then returning to your slip, 20 to 30 minutes. (must have ignition key)
Test start – Crank over and confirm boat will start and idle at the dock communicating status, yes it starts or no it won’t. No battery jump, battery charging or diagnostic services are included. Time estimate 5 to 10 minutes. Should your boat not start, we will advise about possible remedies that might resolve the starting problem or recommend our service department which is best equipped to take care of the problem.
All the above listed services may be requested same day when you call to have your boat launched. Services that require more time to complete such as interior washing, detailing, battery charging, etc. should be scheduled two days in advance of your planned usage. This will allow us time to provide you with a great result.
The above services are provided on request and charged by the minute based on our Professional hourly labor rate of $80.00, i.e. and covers on wash taking 20 minutes would cost $27.00.